Why do you need an instrument at home?

Learning a musical instrument, and the piano in particular, requires regular practice. The brain needs time to register new information, including how to coordinate the fingers and the hands with each other (and independently). This process happens during sleep. It is therefore necessary to repeat the exercises regularly and to allow time for the brain to assimilate this information between each practice session.

The best practice rhythm: a quarter of an hour every day. It is much more effective than an hour or even two hours in a row once a week.

Weekly lessons at the teacher's (or at a music school) will therefore not be enough to progress.

That is why it is necessary to have an instrument in your own home.

Why rent my piano rather than buy it?

Buying a quality piano represents a significant investment. The starting price of a new student level piano is between 2,800€ and 3,000€ including tax. It is therefore a wonderful gift (too wonderful?) for a young child who is starting the piano! Even more so if one has one’s doubts about their perseverance in learning a new instrument.

The rental or hire-purchase option which allows you to give yourself time (12 months is more than enough to see if the child is "hooked" or not) is therefore the best.

Thus, you only make the investment when you are certain that your child will continue to play the piano.

What if I have no doubts about my child's perseverance?

Has your child expressed, for themselves, a strong desire to learn the piano? Is your child recognised as a good student at school? Are they determined, tenacious and do they "catch on" quickly? In short, they are bright and have all that is required. In this case, the option of immediate purchase remains the most cost effective!

You will actually have a wider choice of pianos. Many makes, many finishes, various sizes ... And new or used pianos at all prices.

Do you believe your child has real ability? Invest right from the start in a higher quality piano. A piano that could be called “responsive”. These upright pianos, generally taller (around 120 cm), and above all using better quality materials, have acoustic qualities superior to student level pianos and the pianist therefore has greater opportunity to play with “nuance” and to put more emotion into their playing.

They will progress more quickly and will have more enjoyment sooner. Never forget: The higher the quality of the instrument, the better the pianist (even a beginner).

What if I have several children (future pianists too)? What if I want to learn myself?

This is often the case. The father or the mother takes advantage of the arrival of a piano in the house to learn to play (an unfulfilled dream of their youth!) or to take it up again ("I regret so much having stopped when I was young!").

In this case, do not hesitate; there is no longer any doubt that good use will be made of the piano. No need for a test period. Invest immediately in a piano (new or used).

Le Domaine du Piano will be able to offer you the instrument that will suit the whole family, and your budget.

There are now many payment solutions that allow this investment to be made without financial hardship (interest free credit, deferred payment, etc.).

Why a (traditional) acoustic piano rather than a digital piano?

All teachers will tell you: The touch of the traditional (mechanical) piano is unique. Despite the technical progress (although fantastic!) from which the new digital pianos benefit, they are unable to reproduce the true touch of the acoustic piano (which enables your fingertips to feel the motion of the hammers and their striking of the strings)

Likewise, it is necessary for the young pianist to build up strength in their fingers. For this, nothing beats a moderately heavy (or "firm") touch. Only acoustic pianos offer such a touch.

Finally, and this is often unconscious (especially for the beginner pianist), the vibration and resonance of the acoustic piano build a unique relationship with the pianist, unlike the digital piano which remains "cold" and soulless (it remains merely electronics and a sound going through speakers!).

Experience shows us that children who start on a real piano progress faster and continue to play longer (so play "better"!) than those who start on a digital instrument. Do you want to be able to play with headphones? Acoustic pianos now do this too! All you need is a piano designed for silent practice.

Today, only the constraint of needing to move the piano frequently (for a student who might move regularly for example) should direct your choice towards a digital piano (all models of which are lighter and easier to transport than all traditional pianos).

But apart from this particular situation, nothing beats a traditional "acoustic" piano for a beginner. Note: Some teachers refuse to allow their students to play on a digital piano at home ...

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